Gert Sibande TVET College
Gert Sibande TVET College (hereinafter called the College) initiated a research study to assess potential programme qualifications that can be offered at Evander Campus of the College against the backdrop of its effort to improve the relevance of the qualifications of the college in line with the needs of the labour market and broader economy, as stated in its 2020-2024 Five Year Strategic Plan.
This self-administered mixed questionnaire, comprised mainly of structured questions, aims to obtain information relating to your experiences or perception on the relevance of TVET qualifications currently offered by Evander Campus of the College, and employability of TVET graduates, competencies among TVET graduates, opportunities to strengthen partnerships with TVET colleges, and proposed revisions to the current TVET qualifications or development of new TVET qualifications.
Your input will greatly help identify, revise, develop, implement and offer relevant TVET qualifications at the Evander Campus of the College.
Please note that no part of your personal information is required, and all the information you give shall remain strictly confidential. In addition, your integrity will not be compromised in any way whatsoever.
The questionnaire should take about fifteen minutes to complete, and please answer ALL questions. Try to complete questions when you are most unlikely to be disturbed, and only think for a short time on a question. There are no costs associated with completing the questionnaire other than your time.
If you have any queries or would like further information about this study, please contact Mr Allexander Muzenda (Assistant Director: Research & Innovation; Gert Sibande TVET College; Tel: 017 712 9040; Cell: 084 844 1212; and/or email:
The College highly appreciates your commitment in completing this questionnaire and your contribution to successful completion of the research study.